What Are the Top Pain Points of Onboarding Remote SDRs?

What Are the Top Pain Points of Onboarding Remote SDRs?
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Amy Ingraham

In this quick answer, Michael Hanson, Founder of Growth Genie, shares the toughest parts of remote onboarding and how to solve them. Here’s what he said – 

Onboarding a remote SDR is difficult because you lose that team spirit that’s typically built in the first week. That first week of onboarding is actually when it’s essential to get to know the person – and it’s obviously a lot easier if you’re in the office.

Fortunately, there are some things that you can do, to help build that culture.

Make an effort to get to know them – What are their Hobbies? What do they like? Where are they from? What are they up to outside of work?

Because if you get to know people on that level; it’s going to help essentially with their role and essentially building them into that company culture.

Also, one other thing worth saying is that it’s vital to set the expectation for the SDRs that they will get rejected a lot. Starting out in your first sales role is tough, and I would’ve appreciated a mindset talk when I first started in sales.

Help prepare your SDR to let their ego go and know that they’ll get way more yesses than nos. Even if you’re the best salesperson in the world, you’re not going to convert all of your leads.

Overall, make the new SDR’s onboarding as smooth as possible, making sure you take the time to know them. And that they aren’t expected to meet the same goals as their co-workers the first week.

Being an SDR is not an easy task, and being remote doesn’t make it better either. But, if you have a strong company culture, you can get through most of the hard times.

Want to see more tips on Remote SDR Onboarding? Check out the full video of the webinar.

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