digital adoption

Make your CRM easy and useful for the user

Turn your CRM into the best ally: fewer tasks, assisted flows and everything just a click away. More adoption, more data.

Assisted workflows

Often, CRMs like Salesforce or Dynamics365 can prove to be very complex for the user to use. Its use ends up being confusing and cumbersome and the adoption rates are getting lower and lower.

Harmonix turns your CRM into a simple and easy-to-use software, assisting and simplifying the user's interaction with the CRM.

Without modifying your current CRM, Harmonix integrates with you to make everything easier, faster and more intuitive. Everything they do will be recorded as if they were doing it in your CRM.


For a system to be adopted and used at 100%, it must meet two characteristics: It must be useful And it must be straightforward. In other words, it must provide value (for example, increase productivity or improve organization and monitoring) and must be easy to learn and use.

Excellent usability, with a good information architecture, with light color codes (WhatsApp is green, LinkedIn is blue, to give a simple example) and with extended usage patterns (for example, a ball on an icon indicates that there are things to review) allows users to learn effortlessly and get the most out of the tool.

Harmonix has been designed following the most cutting-edge usability standards in the market with the objective of making the user fall in love with its system and, for the company to get the most out of Harmonix and, therefore, from the CRM.

“We had a bad experience with a CRM that was a ready-to-use project, but it didn't meet our expectations. We are now looking at several off-the-shelf options that are better suited to our business model.”
Tomás Fernández Buckley
Director of Digital Transformation
“El gran problema de Salesforce es que es cero intuitivo.”
Carlota Valentina Mendoza
Ex Jefa de Innovación Digital
“Los equipos tienen que entender que el CRM no es una herramienta de micro management, es una herramienta que ayuda a ser más eficiente.”
Yago González Ansias
Sales Enablement Manager
“Todas las empresas están enfocadas en que se haga una transformación digital. Para las empresas B2B es una obligación pero todavía hay retos internos de tecnología y de prioridades de recursos.”
Vanessa Piratelo
Directora Global de Gestión de Canales
“Salesforce es un desafío porque es muy cansador y hace que la adopción sea más difícil y desgana. La palabra mágica es automatización.”
Matías Leandro Kruk
Salesforce Senior Technical Consultant
“Los jefes buscan los KPIs, miran el CRM para obtener la información, así que si la gente no lo utiliza, no puede dar las cifras a sus jefes.”
Guillaume Cregut
Especialista en Adopción y Cambio