What’s a Good Morning Routine for My Remote SDR Team?

What’s a Good Morning Routine for My Remote SDR Team?
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Claret Fernández

In this video quick answer, Sarah Hicks, SDR Manager at Predictable Revenue, shares what routine she’s adopted with her SDR team each morning. Here’s what she said –

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What routine can get an SDR team in the right mindset to start the day?

So something that we do every morning on the client-facing team at Predictable Revenue is have morning kickoffs

So, first thing in the morning, 15 minutes to share some announcements, shout out the people who have booked meetings the day before and get on the same page with kind of what the focus is for the day. 

There are a little bit fewer calls than normal, let’s focus on calls today, something like that. So getting all together, getting aligned in the morning is awesome.

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