How Many SDRs Should One SDR Manager Oversee?

How Many SDRs Should One SDR Manager Oversee?
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Amy Ingraham

The maximum team size for any SDR manager should be between 8-10 reps.

Ideally, SDR Managers can oversee a maximum of eight SDRs, with ten being the absolute limit. And ten should only be if the manager can focus wholly on the management of their team – without having side tasks (like a quota of their own) to complete.

With ten reps, pick two reps to focus on each day and provide hands-on coaching. If you’re managing eight reps, try the same tactic of focusing on two reps per day. Then, leave one day for overall team strategizing and activity review.

Every highly-effective SDR leader needs time for a weekly 1-1 with each SDR, reviewing calls and activity, coaching workshops, and updating their playbooks and strategy. Any more than ten reps on a team and important things will get definitely lost in the shuffle.

This Quick Answer is a summary of insights from OppGen community leaders. You can check out the full article here.

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